Month: December 2011

Hilarity Ensues

For some extra cheer and hilarity over the holidays you should pick up a copy of “Awkward Family Pet Photos” and leave it on the coffee table for all to see.  Random House sent Rory and I a copy of this book to look at and let me tell you there was definitely more than one occasion where I found myself snorting into my tea with laughter — quite an awkward situation in and of itself.

The concept is pretty self-explanatory — a collection of awkward photos that feature families with their beloved pets. You’ll be surprised, shocked and even a little mortified by some of the poses and compositions people choose to commemorate their precious pet moments with, but at the end of the day you’ll be guaranteed a good laugh. Oh, and you’ll have lots of terrific examples for how not to take a photograph.

Perhaps the funniest thing about this book is that in every image it is the human who makes the photograph awkward, suggesting that modelling is yet another area in which pets lead by example. Do you have any funny pet/family photos you’d like to share? Post them here and make us laugh!

Also, don’t forget to swing by our giveaway page and enter for your chance to win, win, win!

Is Pampering Pets Practical?

Pets Infographic

Owners adore doting on their pets. Some of us even spoil them from time to time…or a lot — let’s be honest! In many cases it is a human way of expressing our affection. However, this interesting infographic suggests that no matter how well-intentioned our spending is, there are numerous ways in which our dollars could be helping to save animals in need. Although this study was conducted in America about Americans and their spending habits, I think the general message is something worth thinking about, especially around the holiday season.

What do you think? Have you thought about this before? Are you donating to any shelters this year as a gift? What is your secret for spending balance when it comes to pets? I would love to hear your thoughts!

PS: Don’t forget to enter our raffle fund-raiser for Hopeful Hearts! Your pet could win a six-page editorial photo-shoot to be published in an upcoming issue! Hooray!

Petite Matryoshka Dog Calendar

Look at this calendar! Just look at it! Isn’t it the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen for ticking off the days one by one? What makes this design from African Grey so cute? First of all it was inspired by Russian nesting dolls (those classic wooden dolls that pull apart to reveal a smaller version of themselves — love!) Secondly, the expression on each character’s face makes them look as though they are alive. Thirdly, this 2012 calendar is made from Eco-friendly linen stock! This is a must have for a new year at a new desk, wouldn’t you agree?