COACH Legacy Striped Sweater
So you have finally decided that an extra layer is a good idea for your pet this season. After all, frigid temperatures and unforgiving winds are enough to make even you shiver when bundled up to your eyeballs in a parka, scarf and hat. You’ve scoped out some brands, picked out a few cute wardrobe choices and proudly shown them off to your chilly dog. But no matter how much you try your little fur-ball refuses to put their sweater on. What do you do? Don’t sweat the sweater jitters! Just follow these tips!

Of course, most dogs would prefer to run around in the buff if given the choice. Alas, the Canadian climate doesn’t allow for that luxury and the all too real risk of frostbite makes teaching your pup not to fear their new coat very important for their well being.

The first thing to remember is that you must have patience. Your dog won’t understand why you’re trying to pull a strange cozy-knit something-or-other over his head, no matter how stylish it may be. So remember, make the introduction to clothes a gradual process, padded with lots of praise and delicious treats.

Gently ease your pup into his new duds, speaking in a calm soothing voice and handing out treats along the way. Pause if he starts to get nervous and wait until he is comfortable again before proceeding. Be warned, this may take some time, so be sure you have a clear schedule without distraction. Once you have successfully slipped the jersey on, embark on a game with your dog. The happy distraction will help him forget about what he’s wearing and thus by-pass the natural urge to fight it off.

It’s a good idea not to leave the sweater on for too long the first time. Ten minutes is long enough for a first encounter, especially if your dog is apprehensive about the whole clothing concept. Be sure to remove the garment in the same manner you put it on — calmly, slowly and with lots of treats. Over the next few weeks repeat this process, prolonging the actual ‘wear time’ each progressive day. If you are consistent with this process, your dog will soon enough be a clothes-horse and able to enjoy the crisp winter air without freezing their whiskers off!

RAWR Hoodie from Eco-Pup

Oh! And keep in mind that there are thousands of jacket, sweater and jersey styles available for winter! You can find any sort of style and fashion to suit your pup’s personality; everything from a couture Coach Legacy Stripe Dog Sweater (opening image) to the uber-cute dino-spiked RAWR Hoodie from Eco-Pup — a luxury organic and eco-friendly clothing line for dogs!