Month: June 2011

Decor Fit For Dogs

Photo by Pieter Estersohn

Happy Monday ladies and gentlemen! Profound apologies for our MIA nature on Friday. We missed you dearly and to make up for our absence have put together an extra special post for you this morning! We stumbled across this utterly fabulous spread in Elle Decor that shows off some truly beautiful designs and the lucky dogs who get to live in them every day.

First up is Romeo, a dashing yellow Labrador who is all too pleased to proudly show off his breathtaking Hamptons house. Don’t you just love that soft seaside blue and the elegant collage of stone white photo frames?

Photo by Henry Bourne
Dudley the pug firmly believes that you shouldn’t judge another pup without having first walked a mile in their shoes. Thus it only makes sense to install a gorgeous Chinese-silk lined Victorian armoire to house those precious paw vessels.  Linens as liners are always a terrific touch!
Photo by Eric Piasecki
This next photo epitomizes what we always dream a fashion designer’s office to look like. Bold colours, rich textures and layered effect sprawling for as far as the eye can see. Little Toby the cockapoo also seems smitten with this space, making himself perfectly at home upon the deliciously over-sized striped chaise lounger. 
Photo by Pieter Estersohn
This sharpei duo, Nuba and Speed, are certainly residing in the lap of luxury. The stunning Cappellini sofa and vintage chandelier, that remarkably resembles something from Bocci, come together to create an ultra sleek aesthetic. 
Photo by Simon Upton
Comfort and charm dominate this sleepy understated apartment.  Seymour, a Labrador retriever and Leo, a shepherd mix agree that if one must work from home, one must cultivate a bit of comely style. Exotic prints and rustic furniture marry to bring forth the nostalgic feeling of a quaint country escape.  

Which of these vignettes do you and your pet love best?

Nero: Pet of the Week

Photo by Shirley Bittner
Presenting a smooth operator, who is very energetic, continuously happy and always raring to go, just like the family convertible. Meet Nero! Doesn’t he look dashing sitting in those slick red leather seats. This is one very cool, we mean, hot dog, and definitely a ‘pawsh’ pet!

Who will join Nero in the running to be June’s Pet of the Month? Email us your precious pet pictures! And stay tuned, because we’ll be announcing this month’s prize tomorrow!


Pawsh-magazine-how-to-keep-dogs-coolOur pets look to us for shelter and safety, especially when summer arrives complete with a massive heatwave! While our pets have great instincts when it comes to coping with heat, it is very important for owners to do everything they can to keep their environment as comfortable as possible. So here is a list of six simple  ideas to keep cool, even if you don’t have air-conditioning!

1)  No Cars
This is probably the most obvious, but never leave your pet in a stifling car for any period of time on a sweltering day. Even if you crack a window the internal temperature of the car rises extremely fast and can be very harmful to your pet. If you do see an animal locked in a car report the incident immediately to your local animal agency, such as the Humane Society.

2)  Air Conditioning
If you’re lucky enough to have air-conditioning in your house or apartment, leave it on for your pet during the day. Even if its just a window air conditioner in one room, your pet will thank you for an opportunity to cool off.

3) Basement Bliss
There are options for households without air-conditioning too. For instance, keep your pet in the basement during the day. Be sure to provide them with toys, a sleeping area and water to keep them ultra comfy.

4) Hire a Babysitter
If you have no basement and no air-conditioning, it’s not enough to simply keep the blinds closed and the sun out of your house. The high temperatures combined with the high humidity can be torture to a pet left inside all day. So plan ahead for your pet. On really hot days take your pet to a friend’s house who has air-conditioning or a reputable doggie daycare.

5) Hair Cut
Now going bald is a bit extreme, but booking your pet in for a hair cut can really help some breeds stay cool. Keep in mind however that some dogs’ coats act as natural insulators and cooling systems, so only require a good brush to get rid of excess winter coat. Be sure to consult closely with your groomer to make sure you are doing what is best for your particular pup and their furry coat.

6) Water
If you can, take your pet to play in the water. Some cities allow dogs to play pools before they are drained for the evening. If a pool isn’t in sight, head for the lake or play in the sprinkler or padding pool. Or just give your pup a refreshing spray with the garden hose or dip in the bathtub. Water fun is something you and your pet can have together!

Do you have any tricks for keeping cool?

{Photography by Laura L. Benn}

New Member of Parliament?

Image Courtesy of CTV
There’s a new face scampering around 24 Sussex Drive — an unnamed smokey grey kitten!  Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his family adopted little yet-to-be-named and are asking for the public’s help in picking just the right title to accompany this sweet furball’s disposition. The Harpers are avid cat lovers and have provided foster care to numerous cats over the years, as well as supported the foster program run by the Ottawa Humane Society.

So far name nominations include ‘Stanley,’ ‘Gandalf,’ and ‘Har-purr.’ All you need to do is log onto Harper’s official Facebook page to suggest your own brilliant name! We’re thinking this little guy looks like a Nelson. What name do you think best suits?