Month: July 2011

Wise Words

We cannot get enough of these beautiful words printed on a custom ring spun cotton short sleeve women’s t-shirt from RC Tees. The shop advertises that the lovely saying, “My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I am,” can be transcribed onto any of their totes, tees or other apparel. However, we don’t think that’s enough. This saying should be all over the place — on mugs, posters, lunchboxes and bracelets — to inspire everybody to be the absolute best version of themselves.

Tin Pets

Charm comes in many variations and these innovative creature charms from Soda Can Shop are no different. Made entirely from recycled soda cans, including Pepsi, Diet Coke and Orange Crush, each charm measures approximately 2″ tall and 1 1/2″ wide. The back sides are covered with foam to avoid any sharp edges and each charm design are available in a spiffy magnet form. Just a little something fun and environmental for the pet lover in your life.

Fridays Are Fabulous!

Artwork by Leens Shop

There can be no denying the inherently fabulous nature of a Friday. Weather permitting, we hope to spend as much time as possible outdoors, strolling the pretty streets of Ottawa, drinking tea on patios and munching homemade biscuits in the park. Do you have any fabulous plans this weekend? Here are a few pretty things we found around the web this week:

1.  Imagine the fun that could be had with this adorable Scotty Dog Tea Set. Sadly it is now discontinued, but we bet that if you sniffed around on eBay you might be able to still find one!

2.  A little something to make a big difference when bath-time rolls around.

3.  ‘Holy Smoke’ is absolutely the right name for the stunning art project that we discovered through our friends at Under the Blanket.

4.  This stylish and comfortable Pablo Striped Dog Sling will help make any outing a little less stressful for the small dog who dislikes long walks.

5.  Don’t worry if you haven’t yet found the perfect toy for your pup. There are, as they say, plenty of fish in the sea — like these fetching fellows for example from Crate and Barrel!

6.  What a clever and fun DIY way to keep your pet rabbit or new puppy safe from L3 Lifestyle. 

Happy weekend! xo

Sponsorship Opportunities

Photo by Back in the Pack

Just a quick note this afternoon ladies and gentlemen to say that there are some sponsorship opportunities still available in our next issue and for the month of August! Becoming a PAWSH sponsor is a wonderful way to expose your business, blog or pet product to thousands of creative pet-loving people! We are pleased to offer a variety of ad rates to accommodate all business sizes; after all, we want only the best for our beloved pets! Write to us a [email protected] with the word ‘sponsor’ in the subject line and tell us a bit about yourself! Cheers!