All photos by Bark Pet Photography

Imagine this. It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and you and your significant other are enjoying a nice relaxing walk with the dogs. Suddenly, your partner cries out, “Oh no! Luigi (the dog) has a thorn in his foot!” and drops to one knee beside the pooch in question. You immediately crouch down to take a look, but instead of discovering your pup in pain you find a shiny new tag on his collar that reads “Marry Me?” Your guy then produces a ring from his pocket and asks you that most memorable question himself….

This is exactly what happened for one loving couple this past weekend in LA and the entire moment was captured beautifully by our friends at Bark Pet Photography. There are so many other heart-melting details that accompany this proposal, be sure to hop on over to Bark Pet Photography’s photo page to read the complete story and see loads of extra gorgeous photos. Great work guys and many happy wishes to the newly engaged lovebirds! This is absolutely the BEST proposal we have ever heard of — sweet, thoughtful, pet-friendly and oh-so romantic. Swoon!