Andrea Tomkins is a well known freelance writer based in Ottawa and a veteran blogger who has been publishing A Peek Inside the Fishbowl since 1999 (it’s a great read, so be sure to visit or subscribe to her site!) She shares her life with a husband, two children and a Wire Fox Terrier called Piper. We are thrilled to share with you today Andrea’s pawsh interview about life as a busy working mother and pet-parent. Keep reading!

1.  In what ways does your personality match Piper’s?
Piper and I are both fun-loving, happy and stubborn. 
2.  How do your personalities differ?
I am accommodating, but she won’t do anything if there isn’t a cookie in it for her. She has a one-track mind as it pertains to other dogs. She wants nothing but to sniff and say hello, which is fine, most of the time, but I don’t think she’ll ever become an “off leash” kind of dog. She’d see a dog in the distance and never come back. She’s a little too smart. She knows all kinds of tricks now. She can sit, sit up (beg), do a dance (go up on her hind legs and spin around), shake a paw, roll over, stay, and lie on her back (”show me your tummy”). Problem is, she only listens if you have a treat in you hand. In fact, “cookie” was the first word she learned. 
3.  What is your favourite way to spend time together?
I work from home, so having Piper around while I’m working is a real delight. When the weather’s nice I’ll take a break from work and take her for an extra walk around the neighborhood. It gives me a chance to clear my head and decompress. 
4.  You are a busy mother. In your opinion who gets into more mischief, Piper or your kids?
When we first got Piper it was exactly like having a baby in the house again, except Piper is the four-legged kind of baby who had a tendency to try and chew on the table legs. My kids are older, 10 and 12, so they don’t get into very much mischief anymore. I do however think that they can be equally stubborn. They can all dig their heels in when they want to!
5.  If you and Piper were to star in your own tv show, what would your theme song be and why?
I think it would have to be “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles because she’s my little furry darlin’.
6.  What is your favourite game? What is Piper’s?
As a fox terrier, Piper was bred to hunt and kill small rodents. This is reflected in her play a lot. I can’t even count how many squeak toys she’s murdered. Foxy is her favourite toy. It’s an unstuffed plush toy (it looks like road kill) and she loves to use it as a tug toy. She’s killed that thing many times over and it’s totally shredded, especially around the head. I like to practice tricks with Piper. She’s pretty good. She knows how to ring a bell if she wants to go outside, which I think it the best trick we’ve taught her because she doesn’t scratch at the door.
7. What is your favourite time of day? What is Piper’s?

I think Piper’s favourite time of day is in the early evening. This is her playtime. My favourite time is after dinner when my family and I all go for a walk together.

8. What do you love most about having a pet as part of the family?
Piper is the sweetest dog I’ve ever met. She’s incredibly friendly and gentle. Piper has been in our lives a comparatively short time (she’ll be two-years-old in December), but I can’t imagine family life without her now. Dog ownership (or should I say companionship ) has made me a happier person. There is no question that people who own dogs are healthier, and have lower stress and lower blood-pressure. I know this to be true because I feel it in myself. When I come in the door or I stroke her wiry fur I can feel everything falling away. She makes me laugh. That little face is so funny, and so full of expression. I always know what she’s thinking.
Thank you so much Andrea and Piper for sharing with us this morning. Can we just say, wow we’re impressed! Piper is certainly one smart cookie! Ringing the bell to go out? Rory darling, you have a lot to learn still. Happy Tuesday everyone! xo