Month: October 2011


Pawsh-Studio-Holiday-Dog-Prints-3Why should I invest in having my pet’s photograph taken?
If you are visiting Pawsh’s website (welcome, by the way!) you probably already know the answer to this question. Pets are beloved members of the family – they make us laugh, they provide comfort, they even look out for us! Having your pet’s photograph professionally taken is a wonderful way to remember and cherish their sweet personalities forever.

Pawsh Studio’s modern, yet quirky style focuses upon those real moments that you would otherwise only be able to see in your mind’s eye. Pets are faithful companions, even soulmates, and their time spent with us should be celebrated, treasured and documented in a meaningful manner so that it is never forgotten.

What does your complimentary consultation include?
Great question! A lot of fun – that is first and foremost. Each pet photography session comes with a complimentary 30-40 minute consultation before your photo session. All of my consultations are essentially an opportunity to get to know one another better, talk about your pet’s personality and go over your photo session in detail.

We’ll meet at a cafe or coffee shop (or park if it’s nice outside!), sip hot beverages, chatter away about pets and have a few laughs too. This is also your chance to pepper me with any questions you might have. Seriously, don’t be shy! My main concern is making sure you and your pet are comfortable working with me!

Why do I have to put a 50% non-refundable deposit down to book my photo session?
Putting a deposit down is a common photography business practice when it comes to booking a shoot. Not only does this reassure you that that time is yours, but it also helps me to be most efficient with my schedule. Of course, I completely understand that sometimes emergencies happen. If you are unable to make your scheduled photo session time, all you need to do is give me 48 hours notice and we can reschedule.

If you change your mind about a photo session that you have already booked, your deposit is non-refundable because by keeping that date reserved for you, I have likely turned down other clients interested in that time.

Do I have to sign a contract?
Yes. I have a comprehensive contract and release form that I require all photography clients to sign. This is a formality that helps both you and I stay on the same page. It outlines everything promised in your pet photography package and what you can expect when working with me, including image delivery deadlines etc.

Why don’t I get hi-res digital files of my photographs?
A lot of time, energy and skill goes into fine art pet photography, both on behalf of the photographer and the pet parent who books him or her. You spend a lot of time looking through portfolios and meeting with photographers before finally choosing someone who reflects your style and vision for capturing your furball’s many antics. Sadly, however, a lot of beautifully taken photographs can end up looking sub-par, even terrible, when subjected to poor printing practices and ill-favoured formatting.

To ensure that I can deliver the style and look you are dreaming of for your photographs, I process all of your printing needs in a high-end and luxurious manner. I offer a variety of different paper options and archival inks to ensure that the photographs I take for you look their very best and last forever.

Each of my pet photography packages offer all sorts of built-in print options to save you money without sacrificing quality. I also offer a wide variety of add on print options to help bring your photographs to life.

Why will my low-res digital files be watermarked?
The practice of watermarking photographs helps to protect the photographer’s work and you. Unfortunately, a lot of online creative content is stolen and plagiarized by individuals and companies alike.

Imagine walking through a department store one day and seeing your photograph on a product box without your permission? It would shocking, yes? Putting watermarks on images helps to deter other people from using those images for their own purposes, as removing a watermark is far more challenging than lifting an image that is unmarked.

How do I choose my final photographs?
I will supply you with a private online gallery in which you can review your photograph proofs. Each image will be clearly numbered to make the selection process as simple as possible. I am also happy to meet up in person with you to help make final selections if you would like a second opinion curating your photographs.

Can I see examples of your print products before deciding to purchase any?
Yes absolutely! I bring all sorts of print, canvas and album samples to our consultation so you can see and handle them in person. If there is anything specific you would like to see, please just let me know!

Can you help me choose the right print options for my photographs?
Of course! I am always happy to get together after your have reviewed your proof gallery to help you choose formats, finishes and one-of-a-kind designs that will truly show off your pet’s beautiful photographs in a unique way. Just ask and I’ll be there to talk through everything with you.

Why can’t I order the RAW files from my pet’s photo session?
Raw photographs – or photographs that are straight out of the camera and have not been retouched at all – are not available. This is because they are not an accurate representation of my work. Raw photographs are just one step in the process of creating a beautiful, lasting professional image. You wouldn’t ask an author to sell you the first draft of their book or a movie director to screen their unedited footage filled with bloopers. Similarly, a professional photographer will not sell you raw images.

What is your early booking discount?
I am so happy you asked! This is an opportunity for you to save a few pennies! If you book your pet photography session with me four months in advance, you instantly save 5%! No strings attached! Consider it my way of saying thank you!

How soon after my pet photo session can I see my photographs?
Very very soon! I will be just as excited as you are to see your final photographs! Within two weeks of our photo session I will share a sneak peek of 2-3 images from the day. Complete photo collections will be fully edited and ready for viewing within two or three weeks of your pet’s photoshoot, at which point we can plan your print products.

My dog NEVER sits still. How will you get him to pose for a photo?
By simply not posing him! In fact, I never pose an animal for a photo session, because it simply isn’t natural for them. Instead my job is to follow their lead with the camera and capture real pet moments as they naturally unfold. My lovely assistant and I will work with your pet to get them as comfortable, relaxed and engaged as possible, while I focus on looking for picture perfect moments – even if they happen in the blink of an eye!

What if my pet doesn’t like being in the studio?
It is completely normal for dogs to be very excited and/or nervous when entering Pawsh Studio for the first time. It is a new space with lots of new smells and sounds and being ‘on set’ is a brand new experience – and who knows, they might be worried this excursion is a surprise trip to the vet!

I do everything possible to maintain a warm, welcoming and calm atmosphere that will relax your pet and help them feel comfortable. I take great care to spend time with your dog sans camera so they get used to me and to the idea of having their photograph taken. We can even all sit down for a quick cup of coffee to help your dog relax and see everyone present as a fun friend.

Pawsh Studio also does not use strobe lighting, meaning there are no scary flashes to startle your pet. I also always have lots of tasty treats on hand (dried liver anyone?) to help pets have fun. My main objective is always to make sure that any animal I am working with is completely comfortable and safe. I absolutely will not force an animal to do anything they are uncomfortable with just to get a nice photo. In any case, the best photographs happen when your dog is being his wonderful goofy self!

If despite our best efforts your pet is getting very frightened, hyper or stressed, I will not proceed with our photo session as I do not want to put any animal in a situation they are not enjoying. Instead, we will regroup and reschedule our photo session for an outdoor location where your dog feels confident – you will of course be refunded the difference. Or, if you really have your heart set on a studio look, we can always arrange a special ‘Pop Up At Home’ studio experience so your dog can remain in the comfort of his own home.

However, in my many years of doing pet photography I have only ever had one dog who did not warm up to the idea of being in the studio.

I would like to give a Pawsh Studio photo session as a gift. Is that possible?
Absolutely! I love helping people surprise their loved ones and offer all sorts of convenient gift certificate options. Simply choose the pet photography package that you would like and I will create a stylish printed gift certificate for you to slip into a card! Easy peasy!

I would LOVE to book another pet photo session, but can’t afford it right now…
I completely understand that fine art pet photography is a lasting investment and that it isn’t always in the budget to book multiple sessions. So please be sure to ask about Pawsh Studio’s amazing referral program!

If you have already had one photo session, you are immediately eligible for our amazing referral program that essentially earns you discount points that you can save up and put towards another pet photo session for your pet! It’s fun, it’s easy and it offers significant savings! Seriously significant savings!

I don’t see an answer to my question…
Then please feel free to email be at [email protected] and I will do whatever I can to help!


Please visit Pawsh Studio’s page for latest work, special offers, pricing guides and more!

About Thanks

This weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada, which naturally has us thinking about the whole concept of thanks. While we love this particular holiday, we also firmly believe that thanks is something that should be given freely and kindly every single day for the little things as well as the large.

Think about your dog. No matter what happens, if you give them a treat, a hug, a long run at the park or a new chew toy, a dog always says thank you with a waggy tail and a slobbery kiss. Even more importantly a dog says thank you every day to their people for just being you. A dog never asks you to change, never turns their nose up at a yellow tennis ball because they wanted the trendier hot pink version and never dwells on the things that they don’t have in life. Our dogs are perhaps the most satisfied creatures on the planet, who always find something to be grateful for.

This is the example we should all follow more often. So you don’t have a house and rent a tiny apartment instead — be thankful that you have a roof over your head. So you can’t eat out as much as like — but thankful you have food in your stomach. So you make not have your dream job right at this moment — but thankful that you have a dream.  Most importantly of all, however, be thankful for the people in your life (furry and human alike) because they are the ones who share your ups and downs, your silly and serious matters, and your hopes and fears. Everyone always has something to be thankful for. What is your something?

Have a fantastic long weekend!!! xoxo

How Pawsh!

October is the month for movie nights in our opinion. The air has turned crisp, the blankets have come out and snuggle sessions are in high demand! Evenings are primed and ready for slipping onto your couch and getting lost in a beautiful film — or a spooky film if you are a Halloween buff! Our pets, of course, are the perfect viewing companions and I know Rory definitely relishes a piece or two of unbuttered all natural popcorn. Download your FREE Pawsh Poster here. What are your favourite movies?

Creative Peeps 02: Andrea + Piper

Andrea Tomkins is a well known freelance writer based in Ottawa and a veteran blogger who has been publishing A Peek Inside the Fishbowl since 1999 (it’s a great read, so be sure to visit or subscribe to her site!) She shares her life with a husband, two children and a Wire Fox Terrier called Piper. We are thrilled to share with you today Andrea’s pawsh interview about life as a busy working mother and pet-parent. Keep reading!

1.  In what ways does your personality match Piper’s?
Piper and I are both fun-loving, happy and stubborn. 
2.  How do your personalities differ?
I am accommodating, but she won’t do anything if there isn’t a cookie in it for her. She has a one-track mind as it pertains to other dogs. She wants nothing but to sniff and say hello, which is fine, most of the time, but I don’t think she’ll ever become an “off leash” kind of dog. She’d see a dog in the distance and never come back. She’s a little too smart. She knows all kinds of tricks now. She can sit, sit up (beg), do a dance (go up on her hind legs and spin around), shake a paw, roll over, stay, and lie on her back (”show me your tummy”). Problem is, she only listens if you have a treat in you hand. In fact, “cookie” was the first word she learned. 
3.  What is your favourite way to spend time together?
I work from home, so having Piper around while I’m working is a real delight. When the weather’s nice I’ll take a break from work and take her for an extra walk around the neighborhood. It gives me a chance to clear my head and decompress. 
4.  You are a busy mother. In your opinion who gets into more mischief, Piper or your kids?
When we first got Piper it was exactly like having a baby in the house again, except Piper is the four-legged kind of baby who had a tendency to try and chew on the table legs. My kids are older, 10 and 12, so they don’t get into very much mischief anymore. I do however think that they can be equally stubborn. They can all dig their heels in when they want to!
5.  If you and Piper were to star in your own tv show, what would your theme song be and why?
I think it would have to be “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles because she’s my little furry darlin’.
6.  What is your favourite game? What is Piper’s?
As a fox terrier, Piper was bred to hunt and kill small rodents. This is reflected in her play a lot. I can’t even count how many squeak toys she’s murdered. Foxy is her favourite toy. It’s an unstuffed plush toy (it looks like road kill) and she loves to use it as a tug toy. She’s killed that thing many times over and it’s totally shredded, especially around the head. I like to practice tricks with Piper. She’s pretty good. She knows how to ring a bell if she wants to go outside, which I think it the best trick we’ve taught her because she doesn’t scratch at the door.
7. What is your favourite time of day? What is Piper’s?

I think Piper’s favourite time of day is in the early evening. This is her playtime. My favourite time is after dinner when my family and I all go for a walk together.

8. What do you love most about having a pet as part of the family?
Piper is the sweetest dog I’ve ever met. She’s incredibly friendly and gentle. Piper has been in our lives a comparatively short time (she’ll be two-years-old in December), but I can’t imagine family life without her now. Dog ownership (or should I say companionship ) has made me a happier person. There is no question that people who own dogs are healthier, and have lower stress and lower blood-pressure. I know this to be true because I feel it in myself. When I come in the door or I stroke her wiry fur I can feel everything falling away. She makes me laugh. That little face is so funny, and so full of expression. I always know what she’s thinking.
Thank you so much Andrea and Piper for sharing with us this morning. Can we just say, wow we’re impressed! Piper is certainly one smart cookie! Ringing the bell to go out? Rory darling, you have a lot to learn still. Happy Tuesday everyone! xo