Diane Keaton is one of my all time favourite actresses, so when I heard that she would be starring in a film all about loving a stray dog I literally swooned! The movie is called Darling Companion and according to imdb.com it is about “a woman who loves her dog more than her husband. And then her husband loses the dog.”

Of course, there is only so much you can ever truly tell from a movie trailer, but this film looks like it will be a truly heart-warming and inspirational ‘tail’ (pun completely intended!) about how one dog can change a person, influence a relationship and teach us mere mortals so much about companionship. I am definitely the type of person who ends up sobbing at some point in every animal-related movie she watches, so if you’re the same way be sure to have a box of Kleenex on hand when you watch this darling preview.

I know this question has been asked before on Pawsh, but I’m always interested to know what are your favourite animal movies? Are there any you would recommend that I haven’t perhaps seen yet? Have a wonderful weekend everyone! xo