

dog-quote-pawsh-magazine-09Have a wonderful weekend everybody! The next 48 hours are filled with final photoshoots, copy-editing and layouts for me, because the new edition comes out on March 16th (which is, incidentally, my birthday and Pawsh’s anniversary as well!) I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than with the warm and fuzzy pages of a new Pawsh and am looking forward to immersing myself within the new pages to get ready!

This week’s quote is a reflection of being busy, busy. It’s about pushing personal boundaries and reaching beyond our comfort zones — something our dogs do all the time. No matter where they are walking, a dog will always try to reach for the smell that is just beyond their leash, reminding us to explore the world beyond what we know. We can always push ourselves a little bit further and should never stop trying to.

What are you up to this weekend? See you Monday!

{Photography by Posh Pets Photography}


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Coat and Tails is a delightfully whimsical art project created by Bryce Dishongh (pronounced “dish-on”). He started taking illustration seriously in 2010 and began focusing on pet portraits in 2012. He lives and works in Austin, Texas with his dog Bess, who is constantly trying to eat his pencils.

According to Dishongh, Coat and Tails is philosophically about celebrating what might be considered by outsiders as an absurd relationship that so many of us have with our pets. “The pet ranks highly in the owner’s social hierarchy.,” he explains.

“The pet owner’s non-pet-owning friends think this is a little weird, so the owner is sometimes embarrassed, and sometimes unapologetic. In either case, the portraits I do celebrate that hilarious and ultimately rewarding relationship in the most over-the-top way possible. “

In addition to commissioned portraits, Dishongh is currently creating a line of tee shirts and prints that centered around the concept of labels for products dogs would like. I personally like how these pet portraits are reminiscent of Jane Austen gentlemen. I look forward to seeing more of Dishongh’s work as he grows his collection of prints and illustrations!

PAWSH PERKS: A cute illustration about sleeping arrangements.


dogThanks for your patience last week everyone. I had something of an annoying cold which made any sort of excess computer work an absolute nightmare. But a few juicy oranges and lots of tea later and I’m feeling much better — so back to the blog!

I thought language and dogs might be a fun thing to chat about today. Rory and I have been doing a lot of training and re-training lately; new tricks, basic commands, an all around brush up on what she knows. (These make a wonderful training incentive for pups!)

Something especially fun that has come out of this experience has been teaching Rory new words in different languages. For example, we are now using the French word ‘ici’ for ‘come’ — because I felt she was becoming desensitized to the meaning of ‘come here’ in English.

Our foster friend, Dolly, ‘spoke’ French. My dad’s dog has been trained in Welsh. My grandmother’s dog responds to a blend of old English words/phrases and common command words. Why bother training in a different language, you may ask? For me personally it is to make my commands to my pup better stand out in the dog park.

Does your dog ‘speak’ different languages too? Would you consider teaching new commands in a new language?

{image via}

PAWSH PERKS: Let’s be Pinterest pals!