Is there any greater bonding experience for a pup and their person than exploring the great outdoors together? The smell of fresh air, the rustle of leaves in the wind and the warmth of the sun shining down on your face. Pure bliss! However, it’s only true escapism from the hustle and bustle of city life if you don’t have to return to the bright lights for supplies. Thus a reliable backpack is the key!

The Approach Pack from Ruffwear offers great functionality and fit. With all sorts of pockets and a waterproof coating your pup can carry their own water, food and Frisbee when out on the open trail! And for yourself, a MEC Aire Hike 28 Backpack — light, sleek and comfortable!

NOTE: Ruffwear advises that dogs carry no more than 25% – 30% of their body weight in their pack. So take care not to overburden them!