Month: January 2012

Finding Fido

Part of responsible pet parenthood is knowing and understanding where your precious puppy comes from, a message that is being reinforced by Finding Fido, a program of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies. The non-profit program is specifically designed with an informative and comprehensive website to help potential dog owners make the best decisions for their lifestyle and the animals. Questions such as am I ready for a dog, what kind of dog would best suit my lifestyle, and where can I find ethical breeders or reputable rescues, are all addressed by this program that pulls information from multiple reliable sources into one easy-to-understand format.

To quote the website: “FindingFido.ca is completely different from other websites about getting a dog. Our goal is to educate, not advertise. We’re not trying to sell you a dog or help anyone else sell you a dog, or even persuade you that one breed is better than another, or that purebreds are better than mixed. The goal of this campaign is simple: to connect finders with keepers.”

If you or someone you know is considering bringing a dog into the family, Finding Fido can help answer your questions and help you make an ethical and informed decision. After all, it is our job as owners to do all we can to give our dogs the best lives possible, and that includes educating ourselves about pet world issues.

Fine wine and friends


For the dog owner who also enjoys a lovely glass of wine, this is the ideal addition to your home decor. It is a dog house (or dog bed) constructed from a repurposed wine barrel and mounted on a stand so it doesn’t roll away! Can you imagine this resting in the corner of your kitchen or living room? What a gorgeous design statement! Very pawsh indeed!

Pawsh Packaging

It is always a joy to discover beautifully designed packaging in the pet world and this student project entitled “Oh My Dog” is no exception! Designed by Martha Robertson and Alfonso SoteloClean, this project’s final concept is clean, contemporary and a little bit cheeky — that’s what we like to see!

Pawsh + BlanketID

A new year means that it is time to kick off the 2012 Pet of the Month series! For those of you who might be unfamiliar with this series it is a monthly photo contest (also known as lots of fun)! 
To Enter:
All you have to do is…
—  send your favourite pet photographs and story to us at [email protected]. 
—  each week we will select a #ThursdayFurball, who’s photo will be published on our website.
Then during the last week of every month the four #ThursdayFurballs face off in a public vote (oh yes, American Idol style!) and the pet with the most votes wins a prize!
For this year’s series Pawsh is thrilled to announce an exciting partnership with our friends at BlanketID — a brilliant Vancouver-based company whom we love! (You may remember us gushing about them here.)
Each stylish BlanketID tag is connected to an online profile of your pet where you can detail not only where they live, but all sorts of other important information such as medical needs, likes, allergies, fears and behaviours. If your pet ever goes missing, whomever finds him simply uses the code on the tag to access this profile, thus helping to return your pet as quickly as possible while making your pet’s time away from home as comfortable as possible. Also, the BlanketID online profile will auto-format ‘Lost Dog’ posters and broadcast alerts to shelters to help locate your pet if they ever stray away. Nifty!
Every furball crowned Pet of the Month in 2012 will win a beautiful BlanketID tag plus a FREE 3-year membership! Style and security — what could be better?
Be sure to submit your pet photographs and tales for January at [email protected]! And don’t forget to like our friends at Blanket ID on Facebook and Twitter!