Toronto dog magazine


pawsh-magazine-dog-ear-infection-1 Everybody knows that dogs have incredible hearing, but did you know that many breeds and mixes, of all shapes and sizes, are prone to ear infections.

Unlike a human ear canal, a dog’s is rather L-shaped, which means waxy build-up can more easily occur in the little elbow of that ‘L’ shape. Wax build-up then leads to bacteria and even fungus development which can become very serious and uncomfortable.

Today we’re chatting about ear-care basics; how to identify an ear infection, how to prevent it and how to treat it if need be.

4 signs your dog might have an ear infection
pawsh-magazine-dog-ear-infection-61. Unusual smell
A canine ear infection typically comes with a rather pungent and noticeable smell. If you notice such an unpleasant smell when you hover above your dog’s head or flip your dog’s ears, take your pupster to your vet for a complete check up.

2. Shaking
As you can imagine, having an ear infection is very uncomfortable and a dog will do whatever it can to try and relieve some of that discomfort. Excessive shaking of the head is a common symptom of an ear infection, so be sure to watch for this behaviour.

3. Scratching
Similar to shaking of the head, scratching is another way for a dog to try and make itself feel better. A dog may try to scratch around or by its ear to the point of breaking the skin, or even rub the side of its head along the ground in an effort to stop the irritation.

4. Inflammation
Perhaps the best indication of an ear infection, however, is redness, swelling or visible irritation around the ear or inside the ear. To check for this simple flip your dog’s ear – gently of course, as they are probably sensitive – and observe. Do not touch the redness or irritation as that will most likely be painful for your dog.

How to treat a dog ear infection?
pawsh-magazine-dog-ear-infection-3If any or all of these symptoms are observed in your dog, it is recommended that you visit your regular vet as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Usually, ear infections are treated with specially prescribed medicated ear drops that need to be administered anywhere from once to three times daily for a week or two.

How to prevent a dog ear infection
pawsh-magazine-dog-ear-infection-4Some dogs are naturally prone to nutritional and environmental allergies, such as wheat or pollens, which make them more susceptible to ear irritations. However, according to vets, one of the leading causes of dog ear infections is excess moisture in the ear canal.

This excess moisture usually occurs after your dog has a bath or a swim. The extra moistness in your dog’s ear canal creates a prime breeding ground for bacteria to fester. So be sure to dry your dog’s ears well after water activities by covering your index finger with a dog towel and delicately drying the inside area.

Hair or fur in the ears can also contribute to excessive waxy build-up, so be sure to ask your groomer to trim the inside ear fur whenever you take Mr. Fluffypants in for a haircut.
{Huge thanks to my incredible friend and talented artist Tonya Pet Photography for photographing this special “Pet Wellness” column.}


This article was made possible by DogTrot Fitness — Canada’s exclusive distributor of the PetRun line of dog treadmills — the ideal solution if your dog doesn’t love dog parks.
dog-treadmills-dogtrot-fitness-pawsh-magazineAdequate exercise is equally important to your dog’s wellness as a healthy diet. Even if you can’t run WITH your dog, we can help you meet his exercise needs, regardless of weather. With running decks scaled to suit any stride, there’s a PetRun treadmill for every size of dog!



canada-pooch-rain-jacket-pink-3It is looking more and more like it is going to be a hot and humid summer, which of course means one thing — intermittent thunderstorms and showers all season long. To help Rory and I prepare for the downfall and stay dry, Canada Pooch sent us one of their new Rain Runner Vests to try out and we couldn’t be more in love with it!


dog friendly halloween costumes

Whenever Halloween rolls around, the excitement rises. The moon is bright, the pumpkin is carved, the house is decorated in true ghoulish fashion. Buckets of candy sit by the door awaiting trick-or-treaters. It looks like it’s going to be a fabulous evening of chills and thrills. Everything is in place for a fun festive time. But just in case you were still wondering what to dress up as this year, we thought we would show off a few dog friendly Halloween costume ideas.  Here are a few extra cute costume inspirations that stole our hearts and are sure to make a statement at any Halloween function.


dogs and sun protectionYou take care of yourself when you hit the beach, lounge around on a dock or spend the day in the sun, but do you do the same for your pooch? Sunburn and skin cancer are not reserved for humans alone, your beloved pet can be at risk for these as well. Not to worry though, there are lots of things you can do for dogs and sun protection and many easy ways to reduce the sun-related risks for their health.
