Month: September 2011

Stress Happens

This happy-go-lucky plaque from Salt Box Signs made us laugh so hard this morning! We stumbled upon it completely by accident and are convinced it was a fate thing, since deadlines are looming to get the fall issue all wrapped up (less than two weeks away now!)

Stress happens to the best of us at some point or another. The trick becomes how we handle it and, as always, pets save the day with their simple logical nature. Of course, we’re not saying take this sign literally — just read between the lines and remember to find a way to put stress behind you. You might be surprised at how well it works. Rory and I always take nice long walks together or cuddle on the couch if stress comes a knocking. What are some of the ways you deal with stress?

Editorial Attire

It’s official. We need this Fur Sighted Top from ModCloth to wear to our next editorial meeting. Seriously, what’s not to love? The crisp lemon-yellow fabric, the superb kitten graphic and the glorious ultra nerdy glasses! This fabulous feline simply must be added to our wardrobe! Forget shabby chic, it’s all about the tabby chic top friends!

Two Brunettes + Pretty Pet Portraits

It is always a thrill to discover a new talented pet-related artist and today we have the enormous pleasure of introducing you to Carolynn of Two Brunettes. Based in New York, Carolynn offers custom pet illustrations wrapped up in big city style. Sophistication oozes from these charming portraits, beautifully blending a simplistic yet lively visual with bold stoic typography and poignant memorable text.  Your pet’s full name can be displayed (nicknames, middle names, surnames, whatever!) as well as three choice words to describe their personality. Since discovering these exceptional illustrations we’ve been pondering a lot about Miss Rory and what her three words would be — so far we think “comical, cuddly and curious” suit her best. What three words best describe your pet friend?

Pet Pal Dog Pen

We didn’t want to make a big deal about the whole ‘back to school’ thing that is happening this crisp September day. For one thing, it has been talked about for almost an entire month now; for another, we know that realistically, not everybody is deliriously ecstatic to be returning to the fall routine. So all we’re going to say is check out these uber-cute Pet Pal Dog Pens by Two’s Company. We would like one in every colour pretty please to lend a paw with all of our writing projects this season!