Month: June 2012


Walking is an important part of any pet parent`s daily routine, so dressing up a little bit is always a fun perk. Although there are thousands of different leash designs to choose from there are ultimately only two basic styles: the retractable and the traditional. The retractable leash is great for letting your dog having a little more freedom on the walk (especially for those pooches who bolt whenever off leash so can`t fully enjoy the park experience). On the other hand, the traditional leash usually offers a lovely linen-inspired texture and gentle grip. If you had to choose between the Grreat Choice Retractable Lead or the Harry Barker Wildflower Leash, which would you pick?


This month’s motto is all about books! What better way to enjoy the hot sticky days of summer than by lounging on a blanket beneath the cool delicious shade of a tree, your dog by your side and your imagination sparked by a sensational read?

I am always trying to sneak away to curl up with a good book and relish those lazy cottage days when that’s all I can do. For some truly great titles be sure to check out this list of recommendations or our latest roundup of wonderful stories.

What book is your nose stuffed into at the moment — pet-related or otherwise? What is your favourite book of all time? What are you dying to read this summer? I’m always on the prowl for new authors and stories, so let’s chat about literature today!


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Happy Take Your Dog to Work Day! To celebrate the occasion here’s a roundup of some very dog friendly offices. Whether you work from home at a quaint shabby chic desk, in a kitchen creating scrumptious new recipes and feeding the masses, in a large industrial space that houses lofty ambitions, or from the quiet seclusion of a cottage porch, dogs are always the greatest coworkers.

A recent article published by the Huffington Post explores the idea that dogs in the workplace are a natural stress reliever. Of course, I completely agree. I for one am always incredibly thankful for those days when I can work from home, writing articles, editing photos, finalizing layouts or consulting with Rory curled up close by. If things get stressful, a few cuddles with her soon sets everything right again.

Does your dog ever go to work with you? Do you work from home? Do you wish your office was canine friendly? Let’s pretend we’re hanging out by the water cooler and chit-chat about this stuff today!


Photos by Carli Davidson

Please take a moment and look at the photograph above. Really look into the bright, vibrant eyes of the little two-legged dog affectionately known as Ramen Noodle. Do you see the love, the compassion and the life that remains within that face? Me too, but not everybody can. In fact the majority of pets who are born or become disabled are often destroyed in the name of ‘humane treatment.’

Carli Davidson, a 31-year-old award-winning photographer, as well as an experienced animal trainer, brings her fine art training to the documentation of disabled pets and their extraordinary personalities. Her work is honest, moving and a raw reminder that it is up to us how we choose to see disabled pets. Here are a few more examples of her amazing work…

Thank you Carli for your beautiful pet portraiture and for taking the time to shine the spotlight on pets in need who are otherwise overlooked. Every time I look at these photos I feel energized to do more to help animals of all shapes and sizes who need a second chance at life.

I would highly recommend that you all visit Carli’s website today and spend some time flipping through her incredible online portfolio. You will leave feeling inspired, I promise. Oh, and be sure to drop by her beautiful print shop as well!

Do you know any disabled pets? What are their stories, backgrounds and triumphs? Let’s share some truly inspirational tales today, shall we?