Pawsh magazine


Pawsh-Halloween-pet-safety-1 Unlike spooky Halloween costumes, safety tips never go out of style. To help keep your furkid as safe and as happy as possible this Halloween — and to keep stress at a low for you — here are six important pet safety tips to keep in mind so that everyone can have the most fun possible!

Yes, your pupster might be the most adorable looking lobster in the neighbourhood ever, but if that costume is a little too tight or a little too warm it can be dangerous. Make sure that all costumes fit your dog comfortably with room to breathe — and watch out for little bits and pieces that might drop off and become choking hazards.

Most pet parents know that candy — especially chocolate — is dangerous for dogs. But hyper trick-or-treaters might forget. Little ones especially may try to include Fido in on the fun by offering him a bon-bon or two, so be sure to keep an eye out and keep all sugary substances out of your dog’s reach.

Tip: If your dog is accompanying your family on the trick-or-treating shenanigans, keep these 5 dog-friendly human foods in mind to treat canine companions.

Pawsh-Halloween-pet-safety-23.  BABY GATES
With the door opening and closing most of the night, it can be easy for your dog to slip out in the excitement. To prevent losing your furkid, consider putting up a baby gate in your home to separate your dog from the front door. This will make handing out candy easier and keep your pupster safe.

You know how not everyone is a fan of haunted houses (confession: me!) Well, similarly, not all dogs are a fan of seeing their neighbourhood populated by zombies, goblins and ghosts. In fact, some costumes may be a bit too much for some dogs and can scare them terribly, so be mindful of your dog’s body language.

If their tail goes down between their legs, if they start trembling, if their ears lie flat or if they start to cry etc., the Halloween excitement is probably too much for them. Cater to your dog’s individual personality — if they don’t like Halloween, don’t force them to join in the fun. Pawsh-Halloween-pet-safety-35.  GLOW IN THE DARK
Reflective gear and glow-in-the-dark collars and leashes are all excellent ways to keep your dog safe if out and about at night. Not only will these items help you to keep track of where they are, but they will help passing motorists to see them too. Most glow-in-the-dark items are very reasonably priced and make all the difference when it comes to night time pet safety.

Keep these pet safety tips in mind so that you and your dog can have the best Halloween celebration of all time! May you all have a wonderful Halloween! xo

{Photography by Pawsh Studio}


ez-x-harness-adThis article was made possible by EZ-X Harness. Whether you have a city dog or a country dog our EZ-X Harness is simple and safe to use. Plus it is low volume and extremely light weight. This is not a leave-on harness, but it is a new style of harness to suit your busy lifestyle! WEBSITE | FACEBOOK




BUZZ SMALLER DILLY FINAL FINAL PIPPI SMALLER_905 POPPIE SMALLERLee Boulton is a London-based illustrator who produces gorgeous, minimalist portraits of beloved pets. Inspired by a personal project to draw his friend’s cat and dog — Foxy and Dilly, hence the company name — his eye for furry details quickly became apparent and a new leg added to his business… or should we say four legs. To see more of his artwork and pet commissions be sure to visit his website.


sleepypod-review-pawsh sleepypod-review-pawsh-2Traveling with your pupster is a popular topic here on Pawsh, so today it gives me great pleasure to share a quick review of what I personally believe to be one of the best pet travel carriers ever created. Presenting the Sleepypod Air.

The Sleepypod Air is the only airline approved pet carrier that allows for in-cabin pet travel. Not only does it adjust to suit all sorts of seating arrangements, but it has a soft fuzzy lining to ensure your pet’s comfort.

Even if you’re not traveling by plane, the Sleepypod offers many desirable features. For example, it folds down flat — something I personally enjoy when hopping on the GoTrain in Toronto with Rory so that she can sit on my knee, but I still have her carrier nearby just in case.

The Sleepypod Air also makes a wonderful cozy crate when it comes to bedtime. In fact, any new puppy parents might consider using one of these for their pup’s crate from the get go, so that pup can have his or her bed all the time, even if you sleep over at a friend’s house.

The variety of bright candy colours mean there is a style for everyone and the versatility of this piece is a wonderful addition to any excursion — big or small — that you may be planning with your pet.

To find out more, visit Sleepypod’s official website.

{Special thanks to Sleepypod and Oliver the Maltese for modelling}

{Photography by Pawsh Studio}