Pawsh magazine


Pawsh-Magazine-How-to-keep-dogs-young-1Any pet parent can attest that dogs are always young at heart – it is one of their most lovable and endearing qualities. But there are a few extra things we can do to help our canine sidekicks stay healthy and live longer. Here are six simple tips to keep in mind!

1. Stay active
Just like humans, a dog who stays active will generally stay healthier and fitter than a dog who sits on the couch all day. Regular exercise not only helps to keep muscles and joints limber, but it can also avoid health concerns related to pet obesity and keep their digestive situation on track. So be sure to get your dog out for a nice long walk or run every day!
Pawsh-Magazine-how-to-keep-dogs-young-22. Play!
Did you know that playing can help to keep a dog young? Playing is vital to any dog’s happiness. Whether they like fetch, tug-of-war, rough house or simply chasing after squirrels, all manner of play encourage a dog to develop social skills, use their brains and stay active. Play is also a way for older dogs to stay connected with their ‘inner puppy’ if you will. Try this DIY Thinking Dog Game or this At-Home Seeking Dog Game to add more play to your dog’s day, no matter what their age!
Pawsh-Magazine-how-to-keep-dogs-young-33. Eat well
A healthy diet is important to any dog’s well being. Not only can eating right offer all sorts of health benefits, but it can also improve a dog’s coat quality and help them fight the common signs of canine aging. Consider adding these 5 dog-friendly human foods to your dog’s snack list or these nutritious dog foods to help keep Fido in tip-top shape.
Pawsh-Magazine-how-to-keep-dogs-young-54. Embrace old age
This might sound the opposite of keeping a dog young, but some of the most common injuries that inflict older dogs occur when they try to do things beyond their physical abilities. If your dog has difficulty moving up and down stairs, consider building a ramp or keeping them restricted to the main level of the house so they avoid the risk of falling.

If your dog is slowing down but insists on dashing off like crazy after a Frisbee, consider modifying a game of fetch to gently rolling a ball on the ground instead so they can better avoid potentially tearing something. Prevention of injury is always better than recovering from an injury, so be mindful of your dog’s stage of life and create activities that will keep them busy without pushing them too hard.
Pawsh-Studio-how-to-keep-dogs-young-45. Teach them new tricks
Contrary to the popular saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” you can – and actually should – teach your dog new tricks to help keep those doggie brains sharp and youthful. New tricks reinforce focus and mental process for a dog, while also reinforcing their bond with you and allowing them to have fun!

Consider training your dog how to crawl, or how to play ‘dead dog,’ or how to ‘seek’ their toys. Each new skill or trick that is learned and thus requested of a dog on a regular basis helps to keep them engaged, active and stimulated.
Pawsh-Magazine-how-to-keep-dogs-young-66. Visit your vet often
Regular check ups at the vet are a must no matter what your dog’s age, but as they get a little older it is important to make sure you don’t fall behind on those vet visits. Should your dog develop a medical issue it is always better to catch it sooner than later, so keep in touch with your vet, ask questions and be aware of any changes in your dog. True, your dog is not going to LOVE going to the vet more frequently, but they will thank you in the end.

{Huge thanks to my incredible friend and talented artist Tonya Pet Photography for photographing this delicious installment of the “Pet Wellness” column.}

This article was made possible by DogTrot Fitness — Canada’s exclusive distributor of the PetRun line of dog treadmills — the ideal solution if your dog doesn’t love dog parks.
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Adequate exercise is equally important to your dog’s wellness as a healthy diet. Even if you can’t run WITH your dog, we can help you meet his exercise needs, regardless of weather. With running decks scaled to suit any stride, there’s a PetRun treadmill for every size of dog! WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER



Pawsh-Studio-Holiday-Mini-Sessions-Pug-1Thank you to everyone who came out to our first Pawsh Holiday Mini Sessions event! A whopping fourteen furry friends showed up, each so adorable that I wanted to pup-nap them all! The day was designed to raise money for Bark For Life of The Canadian Cancer Society and I am having a ball working on these images this week.

Because I can’t help myself I wanted to share this little sneak peek into the day. The concept of the mini holiday sessions was to create fun personalized pet portraits that can be incorporated stylishly into one’s holiday decor year after year.

One by one boxers, pugs, bulldogs, Malteses, terriers and mixes took to our cozy little set. It was such a heart-warming experience; I had the best time and I can’t wait to share more from the day with you!

Oh! And Pawsh Studio now has an official logo! Oh happy day!


Pawsh-Magazine-Dog-Quote-20Something to keep in mind this weekend, inspired of course by our dogs and their unwavering ability to provide comfort and compassion. Sometimes we all just need somebody to listen to what we have to say and our dogs never fail to do that. What would the world be like if we listened a little more like a dog? I wonder, I wonder.

{Photography by Posh Pets Photography}



Pawsh-8-web-1 Happy Monday ladies and gentlemen! At last the new issue of Pawsh is here — all 132 pages of it! Jam packed with all sorts of delightful goodies for you and your furkids to enjoy this fall and winter!

Whenever the end of a year draws near, it is only natural to become reflective about our lives. Did we accomplish all that we set out to achieve? Did we grow as an individual? Did we exceed our personal expectations?

While personal development is an admirable quest, I find myself preoccupied this year with one presiding question — “Was I happy?” Too often do we confuse the concept of success with money and title instead of focusing upon a simpler, more attainable definition – happiness.
Pawsh-No-8-webThis question is the inspiration behind our new edition of Pawsh No. 8 “The Simple Things.” It’s about relishing each and every moment for what it is, creating lasting memories, slowing down, focusing and above all connecting with those things and people we love most in the world.

Everything in this issue has been designed to reflect this profound ‘less is best’ attitude. The photography is clean, chic and minimalist in nature; the topics are each linked to improving one’s quality of life for you and your dog; and the overall artistry – we hope – is meant to inspire a calmer, more collected way of life.


Special thanks to everyone who contributed to this edition of Pawsh! And thank you again to all of you for being so patient while I dealt with some unexpected news that delayed this issue. I hope you and your loved ones enjoy curling up with it this season.